It turns out that sleep is really important. For years I got by on 6 to 6.5 hours of sleep, and thought it was okay. So do most chronically sleep deprived people, I've learned. You don't realize you're not performing well, or so the studies say. I've been using the Apple Health sleep system with my Apple Watch to aim for 8 hours of sleep a night.


Fitness has taken a back seat since 2014. I started 2022 at around 270 lbs, and in May decided to get back into a normal range. I hit goal weight of 200lbs in November 2023. Now I'm working on getting my body fat down a more reasonable level.

Making things takes space. I'm building out a space that will let my family and I build a variety of projects, as well as my day-to-day work. The workshop is 30x50. We've set aside 30x15 of that for a finished office area with desks, tables to support programming, electrical engineering and anything else you'd need a lot of desk area for. The remainder of the space is for woodworking and larger scale projects.