I'm trying to follow James Clear's advice for improving this area of my life by setting sustainable habits that move me in the right direction. The right set of habits being something I can live with that get me to a healthy weight. In theory this means I'll be able to not just get there, but maintain it once I do.

The sustainable part is important to me because this is life. If you tell me that this life means no more cookies, I'm probably noping right out of that plan. Swapping the burger and fries for a grilled chicken salad is much more likely to happen.


  • weight


Sleep: 7h 17m avg

Today is the day. I wasn't really expecting to hit the goal today, but was pleasantly surprised to see the 200 on the scale. Now that I'm here, I'm looking forward to the next health goals: sleep and body fat. I've failed pretty miserably trying to get 8 hours of sleep a night over the last year or so, but we'll see what happens when I put more effort into it.


Sleep: 5h 56m avg

Two weeks ago I was ready to sprint to the finish line, and then I got COVID. It was my first experience with COVID-19, and it sucked. I was down for 2 weeks. The fatigue was unreal, and somewhere along the line I picked up ravenous hunger. Fortunately things are sort of on track again and I'm back to my normal routine.


Sleep: 6h 33m avg

I don't know why 215 was symbolic for me, but I made it. Today marks 60 lbs lost. My routine has stayed mostly the same, and I'm still counting calories with LoseIt! The urge to sprint to 200 grows with each week, but I try to remind myself that this is a journey of new habits for a lifetime, not a race to the finish line.


Sleep: 6h 19m avg

This week sucked. On Wednesday I woke up more dizzy than I've ever been before in my life. Completely unable to function. I got some medication, which made me feel better, but also hungry all the time. At least I assume the hungry feeling is linked to the medication. Either way, the results are that I lost ground this week, and that's a bad feeling.


Sleep: 6h 53m avg

Lose It! estimates that I'll hit my goal in 85 days, nearly a year after this journey began. I'm anxious to get there, and I've found myself wanting to sprint towards the finish line. It's a crazy notion when the journey is only 2/3rds done.


Sleep: 6h 37m avg

I'm getting suspicious of this sleep tracker. It seems to land on 6 hrs 37 mins quite often. Health wise, last week waasn't fantastic. We had some sick people in the family (but not me), add some work stress on top of that and I didn't follow my calorie consumption plans very well at all. In violation of the habit principles from James Clear, we now have an easy access M&M jar on the counter, and I've consumed more M&Ms than I intended to I'm sure.


Sleep: 6h 36m avg

Happy New Year. It's pretty wild to be at 230. Old clothes are fitting again. It's kind of crazy how motivating this all is.


Sleep: 6h 37m avg

Well that ambitious goal isn't going to happen. If I'd weighed in when I was supposed to--Christmas morning, before I ate all that food on Christmas, the results would have been different for this week. While I'm happy with where I am overall and the physical changes I'm noticing, this is taking longer than I want. I'm going to re-evaluate my plans in the New Year. I have a good set of habits for maintaining weight I think , but I need to drop more still.


Sleep: 7h avg

Mission successful. Only gaining .8 lb after 4 crazy Thanksgiving meals seems like a win to me anyway. I more or less kept to the calorie plan, and I did get 4 exercise sessions in. With the results of this week, I'm setting my year end goal: under 220. I realize this is ambitious given my track record, and it seems against the grain of setting maintainable habits, but I really want to be out of the 230s.


Sleep: 7h 4m avg

This week wasn't great. I missed my calorie budget on several days, and an exercise day. Looking ahead, Thanksgiving is coming up. My plan is to shoot for 10% fewer calories than normal on non-"get together" days, and to hit all 4 exercise days. Hopefully I'll break even at the end of the week.


Sleep: 6h 39m avg

Last week I realized I'd gotten complacent. My losses had plateaued and I'd cheated too often on my calorie tracking. I'm back on track with stricter diet monitoring. I've added 4 aerobic exercises to my schedule and followed through on 3 of them this week. I also started tracking my results and putting dates with the numbers. I hope that helps avoid a plateau in the future.